What Are They Spraying On Us?

Thank you! What an amazing find. This should be in the open for all to see. I’m reblogging and will share this everywhere I can!

Uneasy Times

This is why contrails are now chemtrails

These chemtrails will spread out to cover the entire sky, reducing sunlight and adding toxic chemicals  in the environment Chem-trails morphing into toxic synthetic cloud cover.

This quote comes directly from the most revealing government document I have read regarding chem-trails. This document should end the debate over their existence and purpose.

Its hard to comprehend that a government would subject their own population to the chemicals they are spraying in our skies. It is the trust that so many have for their government that makes it easier for them to cover our skies with chem-trails. The vast majority of people are generally moral and wouldn’t even think of doing such a thing to their fellow humans. It takes a special kind of person to do this, and not the kind of person most of us can relate to.

I once believed I was seeing contrails (condensation trails). But I can’t say that anymore. The document I discovered contains hard, indisputable data that I have to share with the world. The…

View original post 445 more words

Why all research findings are false

The Devil's Neuroscientist

(Disclaimer: For those who have not seen this blog before, I must again point out that the views expressed here are those of the demonic Devil’s Neuroscientist, not those of the poor hapless Sam Schwarzkopf whose body I am possessing. We may occasionally agree on some things but we disagree on many more. So if you disagree with me feel free to discuss with me on this blog but please leave him alone)

In my previous post I discussed the proposal that all¹ research studies should be preregistered. This is perhaps one of the most tumultuous ideas that are being pushed as a remedy for what ails modern science. There are of course others, such as the push for “open science”, that is, demands for free access to all publications, transparent post-publication review, and sharing of all data collected for experiments. This debate has even become entangled with age-old faith…

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Beautiful article on Aaron!

Amanda Mininger

Dear Aaron Swartz:

Sorry. I’m two days late to the Day of Hacktivism in your honor. Except I’m not a hacker and I’ve only just learned about you.

Some things I’m thinking about:

You don’t know me. I’m not your demographic. I’m usually about 10 years behind in technology. In fact, most technology and electronic-based anything bewilders me; just ask my colleagues. I don’t know why people want that level of noise in their lives, or why the urge to constantly “share” is awesome. Then again, you said in one of your blog posts that you don’t like to exclude anyone, so maybe you and I would have had something to talk about after all.

I don’t know you. All I know are the stories and anecdotes from the superb documentary that was made about you, The Internet’s Own Boy, given by your friends and family and colleagues and…

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